This wonderful arrangement is bursting with blue hydrangeas, light purple roses, green lisianthus, white spray roses, Ammi visnaga, pink bouvardia and pink astilbe to create a magical combination that will make a great impression! A very stylish gift that you can send to your family and friends!
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- Hydrangeas
- Roses
- Lisianthus
- White spray roses
- Ammi visnaga
- Pink bouvardia
- Pink Astilbe
Deluxe size bouquet pictured.
Bag pictured is for illustration purposes only.
Next day delivery is available for orders placed before 4 pm.
Substitution policy:
As flowers may be seasonal, we reserve the right to substitute any flowers not currently in stock. To ensure customer satisfaction, flowers will be substituted with a flower similar size and colour of the same or superior style, quality and value.
Absolutely mesmerizing combination of flowers. It is very elegant bouquet. This was the second bouquet I have ordered from you and I am still amazed of your splendid work!
High quality bouquet! I wanted to impress my mother and make her feel special and thanks to these amazing flowers I managed to bring luxury in her life! The flourist did a great job!
I chose this bouquet because I liked the colours, and it's the best choice I made cos the whole family love it too.
My experience with this flower company was great. Beautiful flowers combined in lovely arrangements. The recipient in Wembley was also very pleased.
I expected the flowers before noon and they were promptly delivered - at 10:30am. Trustworthy company for flowers
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We grow our flowers with love and care so they become your favorite.
We deliver smiles and great moments, and we do it on time.
Our wide floral range is suitable for every pocket.
Providing quality products and services continues to be our main goal and value.
Your payments will be secured thanks to our proven methods.